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Comprehensive medical exams give you the chance to re-evaluate your health regularly and implement changes to improve it continuously. At Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center in Miami, Florida, Wentworth Jarrett, MD, and the team offer comprehensive medical exams complete with in-depth testing like pulmonary function tests and electrocardiograms (EKGs).  Book an appointment today, 305-520-5750.

Comprehensive Medical Exams Q & A

What are comprehensive medical exams?

Comprehensive medical exams are a lot like standard physical exams, but they go above and beyond in giving you information about your health and wellness. The team at Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center collects information about your medical history and current state of wellness before examining you and performing a series of tests. 


A comprehensive medical exam at Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center may or may not result in a diagnosis. The team evaluates you and reports any signs of diseases that either need further testing or treatment. 


Your comprehensive medical exams are also an opportunity to re-examine your lifestyle. Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center specializes in providing personalized care and guidance that accounts for your health history and disease risks. 


How often should I get a comprehensive medical exam?

It’s beneficial to get comprehensive medical exams once a year, or at least once every other year. You can schedule one at any time without having any symptoms or indications that you need medical treatment. 

Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center offers numerous tests and evaluations and even has a convenient on-site lab draw station for blood testing. The team makes sure you’re up to date on all of your immunizations during your comprehensive medical exam and can provide you with them if you’re due for any. 


What does a comprehensive medical exam include?

When you first come in for a comprehensive medical exam at Dr. Jarrett’s Wellness Center, you start by going over your medical history and updating the team on any new developments since your last visit that is relevant to your health. 

The team then gives you a basic physical exam, including measurements of your vitals, plus a series of other tests. The tests they recommend to you might vary based on your health risks and gender. Some that are available include:


  • Pulmonary function tests

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • Blood testing

  • Urinalysis

  • Pelvic exam and Pap smear

  • Prostate exam

  • Cancer screening


The team interprets the results and answers your questions. They can use the results to change your treatment plan, recommend treatments, or recommend lifestyle changes.  To schedule a comprehensive medical exam, book an appointment today, 305-520-5750.

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